Lets go over what happened to me during radiation. First off let me tell you that was a damn hassle. I had to go to radiation during my lunch break for the first week. I spent my whole lunch hour plus a fifteen minute break to go to the hospital to do 5 minutes of radiation. I would either be late to radiation or late back to work. That was extra stress I didn't really need in my life. Luckily my boss was understanding. The rest of the time I had to go to radiation before work which meant I had to get up early. As for the side effects, those kicked in about 2 weeks into radiation. My throat became very sore, too sore to eat food. Eating became painful, and if you know me that was THE WORST. I love food. My skin also turned really red and I got a rash. It was like a really bad sun burn. And as of now the rash has turned brown and weird looking, very attractive. Oh well I embrace my cancer scars and deformities. My cats love me and thats all that matters.
I guess we could talk about the good things in life. My hair looks like I did it on purpose and I get a lot of compliments. I don't know why people are always so surprised with my short hair. Are ladies not supposed to have short hair? Whats wrong with the world. Also I visited California this past week. I went to a family wedding and had a blast. Also, in about a week I will have lived here in Washington for a year. A YEAR!!! I made it. The black hole that is the Antelope Valley has not sucked me back in yet. Yes I say yet because when I visited this last week I did miss it. Everything is so familiar and it has that feeling of being home. But I love Washington as well. I am bound to Washington for at least another year due to my lease so we will see how things go in a year. I have also been dating. Yup the forever alone gal has been on some dates. Its nice to feel normal again. There is hope!!
I wish I had more exciting things to talk about but I am not really in a writing mood. The creative juices are not flowing but when will I have time to write anything so I at least wanted to get an update out there.