Thursday, July 21, 2016

Club Cancer

"I'm sorry but you have cancer." Hearing that from your doctor could immediately ruin anybodies  day. But before you go and get all depressed because you have a life threatening disease, just remember you are now a part of an elite club. Club Cancer. Thats right, welcome to the club my friends. We aren't picky about who can enter. Only requirement is that your body tried to kill you! Now you may think what a small club, it can't be cool. Wrong-o! This club is huge! So huge I meet new members all the time. So yes don't be down about having cancer, be happy you're apart of an exclusive club!

Most of my friends these days are cancer survivors like myself. I was new to town when I was diagnosed so the first way I had to meet people was through cancer groups and meet ups and support groups. So those club members became friends and eventually family. 

Being apart of Club Cancer has opened so many doors for new adventures and opportunities to meet others in the same boat. First Descents is one of those doors. First Descents is a group that offers free outdoor adventures to young adult Club Cancer members. How neat is that! When I first was introduced to them I was very intimidated. The adventures they offered seemed way out of my league and skill set and even physical ability. I thought I would never actually participate. They offer small events as well as week long adventures. I have started with the smaller ones to see what it is all about and let me just say: WOW! I have gone indoor rock climbing, to kayaking on the ocean with whales and on the lakes with seals. I have hit pinatas on a porch and gotten my very own baci bracelet (or two.) Things I never thought I would do. Because of these experiences it has opened my mind to new and exciting things. I now own my own kayak so I can float with the seals any time I want. I know I am capable of so much more. I would never have gone on a 2 day, 20 mile, open ocean whale watching kayak trip on my own. But when given the opportunity to do it with a dozen other members of Club Cancer, why the hell not!

So yes, I went on a 2 day, 20 mile, open ocean kayaking trip. I saw the back and tale of a whale, some otters, seals, jelly fish, eagles and deer, amongst some pretty amazing views. I did that with people who have been in the same boat as me (no pun intended.) We could laugh and joke about what we all have been through. We can share stories and compare battle scars. And walk away from the trip friends. Some of these people I may have never met in day to day life but because we share something so deep there are instant friendships made. 

I must add a disclaimer however. This club does have a downside. That downside is the loss of friends and family. We all know how cancer can get and we all hope for the best. Appreciate your friends and family while you can as there may not be a tomorrow. To anybody dealing with the dark side of this disease, I am sorry. All we can do is honor and remember those we have lost. Get lost in memories and remember they wouldn't want us to be sad they are gone, they would want us to get busy living. They are watching and enjoying the view. 

No person is ever truly alone. Those who live no more, whom we loved, echo still within our thoughts, our words, our hearts.

Some moments caught from one of the wild trips!